Ways To Care For Your Mental Health If You Can’t Afford Therap

Cultivate a morning routine

  1. Getting up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This can help regulate your sleep pattern and improve your energy levels.
  2. Exercise or engage in physical activity. This can help boost your mood and improve your overall well-being.
  3. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Fueling your body with healthy food can help improve your energy and concentration.
  4. Plan your day. Making a to-do list or setting goals for the day can help you feel more in control and motivated.

Practice gratitude

I recently experienced a health issue that required me to stay in the hospital overnight. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort of the hospital stay, I was overjoyed to be released and able to return home to my loved ones and familiar surroundings. I couldn’t help but feel intensely grateful for the comfort and security of my home and the support of my family.

Unplug each night

Maintaining good mental health is crucial, and getting enough sleep is a key aspect of this. However, it’s common for people to struggle with getting sufficient rest. In fact, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that around one third of Americans don’t get enough sleep. This can increase the risk of developing mental health conditions, like depression, and can also make it harder to manage existing mental health issues like anxiety. It’s important to prioritize sleep and find ways to improve your sleep habits in order to support your overall mental health.

Attend 12 step meetings

In the United States, there are 12 step meetings available in every city and town, regardless of whether it is urban, suburban, or rural. If you need help getting to a meeting, there are people who will assist you in getting there safely and returning home. These meetings can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to take care of their mental health, even if they cannot afford therapy.

Build a support network

Butler also noted that, “People also can offer good advice or simply be with a person during a difficult time, which has the benefit of feeling connected and important to others.” So even if you’re just showing up and hanging out, you’ll reap the therapeutic benefits of human contact.